A Progressive Shavuot

Green Point was once again the venue for our awesome Shavuot Tikun Leyl.

With our rabbis and Chessed / Rina musicians getting the night off to a beautiful start with the Maariv Service, we were then thoroughly entertained by our eight speakers in the parachute debate about ‘Jews you should have heard of but haven’t’. The annual hotly-contested cheesecake competition followed after a delicious dinner with Liz Kantor a deserved recipient of the ‘Cheesecake of the Year’ award.

The Jewish General Knowledge Quiz and Chumash Treasure Hunt, run by Craig Nudelman and Sofi Zway respectively, got the night’s learning back on track, with Bev May and Balu Nivison then discussing the highly controversial issue of Agunot — Women in Chains and how it impacts on the Progressive Community despite its non-recognition of the ‘get’ system.

The rest of the night was covered by a chevruta discussion on Jewish status, a session on “Stories you thought were Torah but are actually Midrash (and vice versa)”, gender equality, drumming and our beautiful Shacharit service brought the night’s studies to a meaningful, emotional end.

Shavuot has once again enabled your shul to hold its head up high for the quality and creativity of its programming and we thank all involved in the planning and running of the event.


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