2010 August

What can one say?
July – or the first half of it, which is what this issue covers – has been virtually all about the World Cup Soccer.
That applies to the whole of the country, of course, but Cape Town really exceeded expectations – even the ‘half the glass empty’ types fell under the spell of the vuvuzela, with people flooding the fan walks and the games too, if they managed to get a ticket.
And our community were well represented, no matter our size.
Nonetheless the usual communal activity did go ahead apace. The fact that this issue is smaller than usual is because of the need to send it out in great haste. We were thus, with a few exceptions, not able to cover things that happened after deadline date – which was 1 July, believe it or not!

And the next deadline – for the September issue – will be even earlier – 27 July, no later, all because of Rosh Hashanah’s being on 9 September.
Of this you can read in the WayICit.
Finally, a major item is in regard to the finances of the paper and the need to up our voluntary subscriptions, which are extremely pathetic, voluntary though they are termed. We need plenty more ‘volunteers’!
So … if you would like to join the ‘club’, feel free to do so. We’ll be happy to have you.
Irrespective, we should be back again before the end of this August.


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