Cape Jewish Seniors planner the upcoming month

Jenny Dinsdale, Wendy Johnston, Rifka Luyt, Audrey Shantal, Reina Bristow, Merle Thompson, TIna Philipps, Maureen Lurie enjoying an outing to the Cape Quarter

Life consists of a series of hellos and goodbyes

This year has simply flown by and it is inconceivable that this edition of the CJSA editorial and calendar is the last one for 2019!

The vast majority of our CJSA members have many of their family members living outside Cape Town. I too, have joined this group of people who spend an inordinate amount of time looking forward to the hellos as beloved family arrive, whilst dreading the goodbyes, which are certainly going to follow — and I hate goodbyes! 

It seems that nothing is harder than the very first hello and the very last goodbye we say to someone — especially those we love. When we welcome a new-born child into the world, we say our first hello to them, and when we bury a loved one we say our last goodbye — at least for now. It has been said, “it only takes a moment to say hello, but forever to say goodbye.”

As our children grow up, our hellos and goodbyes are separated by more and more time. The first big painful goodbye is usually kindergarten, which can be the cause of angst. After kindergarten, school hours are extended to a full day, and soon comes the first overnight camp or overnight sporting events, and the length of time away just keeps extending. When they move away for college, marriage, or career, it can be years in between, due to distance and travel.

Sometimes we have to say goodbye to a loved one who passes away — which can be difficult to do. There are many in our communities who wish they had one more day to say goodbye to loved ones who left this world unexpectedly. For various reasons, some relationships don’t work out, and a goodbye can be a good thing — a fresh start, and a way to have closure. Sometimes we become attached to a home, and moving to another home or city includes many new hellos and hard goodbyes.

We know that, at this time of the year, most visitors descend on our shores and the Mother City becomes more vibrant and busy than ever. Makeshift beds and accommodation is at a premium with everyday activities pushed aside so that we can enjoy precious time with our visiting family or friends. The anticipation of arrival creates great excitement and often the regular day to day activities are dropped for the duration of the visitors stay. 

Visits can also bring anxiety for both the family member visiting as well as the person anxiously counting the hours until the family arrives. Those living in Cape Town stock up, preparing favourite meals, planning special family times and anticipating happy outings so that the short time together can be maximised and enjoyed by all. Spending quality time with ageing parents, siblings, friends while at the same time being able to enjoy just being back in their hometown is important. Adult children living away from their parents have their own way of parenting and enjoying their lives and this can cause dissention when returning home and living under one roof with one’s family. Compromises have to be made, if all are to enjoy the holiday to the full.

No matter the circumstances, hellos and goodbyes involve joyous and poignant feelings, and can have an impact for good or bad, depending on the circumstances. Because we never know when we will see a loved one again, it is vital that we make sure all of our hellos and goodbyes are special! 

Pooh Bear maybe says it best, “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” May we hug a little longer, squeeze a little tighter, smile a little bigger and be more generous with our time and our love to those we care about, as we say hello and goodbye while we can! Life is made up of “Hellos and Goodbyes,” so make them extra special.

Diana Sochen , Executive Director

Social and Personal
We extend a hearty mazeltov on the following happy occasions:
Barmitzvah: Debbie and Harry Epstein — Grandson
Engagements: Anita Stoch — Grandson
Marriage: Sadie Graziani — Granddaughter
We extend our sincere condolences to our members  who have lost family members: Ruth Mink — Son
Condolences to the family of our recently departed members: Family of  Audrey Katz, Marion Sherman and  Ruth Stander
We welcome new members to the CJSA family: Evelyn Katz 

Special events for November 


Southern Suburbs 4 Nov Parliament R30 IDs required
11 Nov NSRI Waterfront R30
18 Nov Helderberg Nature Reserve R50
25 Nov Intaka Island guided tour R85
Sea Point 20 Nov Parliament R30 IDs required
27 Nov Helderberg Nature Reserve R50
Milnerton 5 Nov SPCA visit R30
19 Nov Parliament R30 IDs required
26 Nov Helderberg Nature Reserve R50
West Coast 12 Nov Helderberg Nature Reserve R50

Bochrim from Chabad Shul talking on their outreach programmes R10
Milnerton Fri 1 Nov 
Sea Point Wed 13 Nov
Wynberg Wed 20 Nov

Clarewyn Shul 1 November R90 for members R180 Non Members 
Marais Road Shul 22 November R90 Members, R180 Non Members.  
Booking essential

ANNUAL VOLUNTEER BRUNCH (By invitation only)
27 November Temple Israel Green Point

New Pathways for Ageing
CJSA Biennial Seminar Wednesday 6 November
R350 includes teas and lunch.  Booking essential

To download the November issue of the Chronicle, click  here

To read the editor’s column for this month click here

To read the most read story in the October issue, click here


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