Grand opening of Temple Israel West Coast’s new shul building

Saturday 5 November was a truly great evening for our West Coast shul and for Progressive Judaism in Cape Town.

Ian Staniland, Rabbi Greg Alexander, Colin Meilech and Dean Sandler.

A huge crowd gathered to celebrate the opening of the new shul building, where Rabbi Greg Alexander began the evening with a D’var Torah. This was followed by addresses from Temple Israel president Roy Fine, chairman of Temple Israel West Coast Alvin Kushner, and vicechairman Temple Israel West Coast Dean Sandler.

The addresses registered the congregation’s heartfelt thanks to many people, including Colin Meilich and Ian Staniland without whom the rebuilding project would have been impossible. Thanks were also extended to major donors such as Rolene Miller and Greg Nurok for their generosity, as well as to other members who gave of their time and expertise to make the building such a beautiful landmark.

Rabbi Greg then led us in Havdallah and the hanging of the mezuzot, and then it was time to party! A huge thanks to all members who contributed to the success of the evening. We look forward to the West Coast becoming a great growth point for our congregation.