Youth Movements roundup

Diller Teens Cohort 6: Aaron Schwartz, Adam Selikowitz, Ben Vogelman, Darren Greenspan, Doron Zinman, Elle Franck, Ilan Meltz, Jade Rubin, Jared Daitsh, Jonah Schwartz, Katya Golan, Lilla Fleischmann, Michaela Perkel, Olivia Diamond, Rachel Castle, Ruby Kurgan, Sabrina Brivik, Silvie Richards, Tan-Tan Kuti-Alexander, Zoe Kaplan. Staff: Martine Kawalsky, Julia Kaimowitz, Rachel Rod and Talia Scher

South African Union of Jewish Students (SAUJS):
After a very successful 2020 despite all the challenges that were thrown at us, SAUJS is once again excited for a year full of even more growth. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our new leadership for 2021. Our new chairperson, Deena Katzen is a third year BCom Accounting student at the University of Cape Town. In 2019, Deena served as the National Chairperson of SAUJS before deciding to move from Johannesburg to Cape Town, where she joined our UCT SAUJS Committee. Our new vice-chairperson, Kevin Pogrund is currently completing his honours year of his Mechatronics degree at UCT. Our vision for 2021 is to ensure that SAUJS provides a community for young Jewish adults, something which is often difficult to maintain after leaving a Jewish school. We have big things planned to make 2021 our best year yet. To stay up to date, follow us on Facebook @SAUJS Western Cape and look out for our Orientation Week activities which will be coming up soon!

Diller Teen Fellows
Cohort 6 — Young and talented future Jewish leaders have embarked on a journey with Diller Teen Fellows to further explore their personal connections to Judaism, and their leadership potential. Our twenty selected fellows engage with relevant topics and grapple with new ideas in our bi-monthly workshops. Topics explored include: Jewish Identity, Pluralism, Peoplehood, Leadership, Community involvement, Israel and Tikkun Olam (repairing the world). If you have any questions about our program, or would like to be involved please email our Coordinator, Martine Kawalsky at
Website: Diller Teen Fellows , Facebook: Diller Teen Fellows

We recently said goodbye to Errol Anstey, our Manhig (Honorary President) for over 20 years, with many more years of service besides. In his stead, we have enlisted Wayne Sussman as our new Manhig. We have also acquired a wonderful new bayit in Gardens for our Cape Town Ken.

Introducing our Regional Rosh Cape Town for 2021: My name is Cayla Dawn Shmaryahu and I am 20 years old. I have just been chosen to be the Netzer Cape Town Representative and this will allow me to help make decisions about the movement and lead it to new heights in the upcoming years. I am currently doing a second gap year after going on Shnat Netzer in 2020 and I have been a member of Netzer since 2017. Netzer is the place where I have always been comfortable and felt at home, a place that is very close to my heart. I am very excited about this new chapter in my life. Nilmad V’Na’aseh — We will learn and we will do!

Bnei Akiva
We ran our amazing Machanehs during the December holidays! Our new national team has been announced, who are sure to make this year special for Bnei Akiva South Africa. We have also launched our Matanot Le’evyonim drive for Purim 2021.

SA Zionist Federation – Cape Council – Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

• Published in the print edition of the March/April Pesach 2021 issue. Download the March/April 2021 issue PDF here.

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