Interesting times in Bnei Akiva

we have had to say a temporary goodbye to our Shlichim Idan and Liora, who have returned to Israel

Purim was a massive success! We sold over 300 Mishloach Manot to the Cape Town Jewish Community and hada Purim Seudah for our Madrichim.

Unfortunately, the joy of Purim couldn’t last forever. Though Corona has made its way into South Africa, we have not let this get us down. Bnei Akiva Joburg and Cape Town joined together to do our first ever combined EQT! (Extreme Quality Torah). Madrichim and Channichim from both Joburg and Cape Town learnt together via video chat, and managed to get some Torah inspiration during this tough time.

At the same time, due to the Corona outbreak, we have had to say a temporary goodbye to our Shlichim Idan and Liora, who have returned to Israel. B’ezrat HaShem we will see them back in Cape Town soon.

Website: Beni Akiva South Africa, Facebook: Bnei Akiva Cape Town

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