This is what we have always termed the ‘Yom’ issue. It is also the 271st Cape Jewish Chronicle that we have brought out in hard copy since we began the paper in 1984. Quite amazing!
This online edition is quite young yet, and while initially it required just a few megabytes to download, this has increased somewhat over the years. So please do allow time for the lengthier process.
Following our normal annual cycle – encompassing commemoration and celebration this issue covers Yom Hashoah, Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha-atzmaut – being somewhat after the fact for Yom Hashoah, but that is due to its not making the May deadline.
The front page will indicate the starting point for readers, but in no way diminishing the regular (Chronically ‘cyclical’) and the ‘irregular’ items covered within.
The latter are always interesting in that we have a chance to explore and pass on stories of people and happenings that are not submitted via the normal channels, but rather what is ‘picked up’ by chance or by a single email or call offering even a snippet of information. This is the spice on the top and it happens almost every month, thanks goodness!
This month there are abut three such stories, lengthy, less lengthy and short.
The lengthy one arose through a call from a local reader regarding the presence in Cape Town of a world boxing champion of yesteryear, Robert Cohen. Older readers will remember him well and say, “Oh yes, he beat one of the Toweels.”
He did indeed and you can read about it.
The second story came about just after the terrible fires that raged here a couple of months back on Table Mountain. Someone happened to remark that a local young woman was part of the Wildfire Volunteers organisation. And on following this up, we discovered a few more from our community thus involved. You will read about that too.
And finally, we had a call from a member of King David Golf Club informing us that a young Herzlia student had just won their club championship. Now this could not be missed!
Hopefully the meat and the spice will satisfy your appetites.