2009 September

Bumper and bright is the word for issues like this, our Rosh Hashanah โ€˜specialโ€™. And yes, the download will take more than the usual number of megabytes. In addition to the advertisers, the communityโ€™s organisations, institutions, congregations and schools have come out enthusiastically, hence the increased number of pages โ€“ and thereโ€™s colour everywhere!

This past year has been unbelievably eventful and it is right and proper that we end 5769 on a high, as the front page โ€˜picture galleryโ€™ indicates. These are undoubtedly the major current happenings. The stories behind most of the pictures are in the body of the paper, as indicated. The narratives that didnโ€™t make the deadline will follow in the next issue in October. But the fact is that all of the events did take place prior to the advent of 5770.

Another thing which must be mentioned is that we were forced to โ€˜close the doorsโ€™ at 64 pages, disappointing those submitting and precluding some last minute and generally interesting items. We hope to open the doors and allow entry next month.

What we do ask of you readers, as you start on this issue, is that you peruse all the pages, lengthy though this may be, and that in the process you take note of all the advertisers and well-wishers who have chosen to identify with us in celebrating our New Year.

Chag Sameach, friends and readers all wherever you may be to families both near and far across both land and sea.


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