We are currently coming to the end of the High Holy Day period, as we celebrate Simchat Torah – and a time of beginnings.
Our beginning issue for 5771, in comparison with the previous pre-Rosh Hashanah paper could be termed ‘modest’ in size, but just as colourful and proportionally, possibly with more news and reports, as last month’s ads did almost overshadow all else!
There are people who say that they read the paper ‘from beginning to end’, which seems a little unbelievable as most would naturally pass over pages which they feel hold no relevance for them. Quite understandable.
From our point of view, however, we would like readers, at the very least, to peruse all the pages, in the hope that there are items that could spark unanticipated interest. It’s a case of ‘nothing ventured, nothing gained’.
So this is the issue to try it out, once again starting with page one and the various follow ups and then on through the paper. The downloading will not take that much time or number of megs.
As a matter of fact, aside from the items highlighted below, there are some very newsworthy reports, with pictures and colourful forthcoming events of note. Overseas readers will unfortunately not be able to attend and enjoy the latter, particularly the ‘dos’ on pages 9 and 12 and 21, but you ‘do’ need to know that they are happening.
Cape Town really is a vibrant community!