Group 18 – initiatives for dialogue

Group 18 supporting the Israeli ice hockey team.

Itโ€™s a year since Group 18 was established in June 2010. In the past year we

โ€ข Supported Bridges for Peace outside parliament, in their call to end hatred of Israel.

โ€ข Supported the call for Gilad Shalit to be released from captivity, also outside parliament.

โ€ข Organised speakers, such as Alan Fischer, who spoke about the demonisation and deligitimisation programme against Israel; and Ronnie Gotkin who spoke about the relationship between Arab and Jew dating back to the founding of Islam.

โ€ข Organised screenings of videos such as The Case for Israel by Professor Alan Dershowitz and taken part in organising the screening of the Gilad Shalit video at the Sephardi shul hall.

โ€ข Organised a โ€˜buycottโ€™ to support Ahava beauty products at Wellness Warehouse, Cavendish Square, in response to a call for a boycott against Israel and Israeli products.

โ€ข Supported the SAZF (Cape Council) with a โ€˜wall of peaceโ€™ outside St Georgeโ€™s Cathedral in Cape Town, handing out pamphlets to counter untrue allegations accusing Israel of apartheid.

โ€ข Brought Professor Alan Dershowitz to Cape Town together with the SAZF and the UJC.

โ€ข Supported the charity Save a Childโ€™s Heart (SACH) and helped to raise approximately R15000 through our Dershowitz initiative.

โ€ข Supported the Fire Relief Fund for Israel.

โ€ข Supported the Israeli ice hockey team at the international tournament held at Goodwood ice rink. They beat Turkey 9 – 1 to win the tournament.

โ€ข Established an online presence by educating and informing people through email.

โ€ข Created an exciting and dynamic website. Visit:

If you would like to be a part of our initiative, Standing with Israel, please contact us at