August is Women’s month in South Africa, and this issue of the Chronicle showcases the talents, contributions and achievements of women in the Cape Town Jewish community.
Our ‘bumper’ arts and culture section (pages 32-33) is a treat, where we feature four phenomenal women who have all made a difference and contributed to society. From Aviva Pelham to Riva Cohen, Jane Raphaely to Stella Cohen, they will inspire you to overcome challenges and live your dreams.
Meanwhile, Eric Beswick writes about women in the Jewish community (pg. 4), and the work of the Union of Jewish Women and Bnoth Zion WIZO is so clearly captured on these pages. No matter what they are doing, we hope this issue of the CJC will make us all pause and appreciate ‘the female factor!’
The issue also features many exciting communal events and achievements – from celebrating the Cape Town Holocaust Centre’s ‘barmitzvah year’ to the success of the Sinai Indaba, we all have a lot to be proud of! Enjoy the Herzlia Matric Dance photos and many more exciting images, adverts and articles.
The Chronicle is there to capture all this and so much more, and is sent to every household in the Western Cape as well as our overseas and South African subscribers. However, we have noticed a drop in voluntary subscriptions, which the Chronicle depends on to maintain its current mandate and format. Please see our appeal on page 1 and contribute to this campaign. Pay your Chronicle subscription – it’s the right thing to do!
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