2012 September

This special Rosh Hashanah edition is big, bright and beautiful, and showcases the dynamic and vibrant Cape Town Jewish community that is renowned around the world.

At the same time, the spiritual and meaningful aspects of the High Holy Days are equally evident in this edition. Numerous stories of barmitzvah boys making a difference; community members contributing to others on Mandela Day; and individuals quietly going about doing mitzvot all fills these pages with inspiration at this important time in the Jewish calendar.

In addition, the many communal organisations that work to assist the Jewish community and wider South African community are all included in this issue, and they all โ€˜leadโ€™ by example, showing just how simple it is to reach out to others.

We hope that this issue of the CJC will inspire you over the High Holy Days. On behalf of the Chairman, Editorial Board and staff of the Cape Jewish Chronicle, I would like to wish all our readers across the world Shana Tova Uโ€™Metuka and well over the Fast. May 5773 be a year filled with blessings and abundance for all!

โ€ขย Visit our Portal to the Jewish Communityย to see a list of all the Jewish organisations in Cape Town with links to their websites.

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