The Union of Jewish Women had three ‘Mandela Day successes’.
Firstly, we had an amazing and unprecedented response to our Mandela Day Appeal for ‘gift bags for gogos and grampas.’ Over 450 bags arrived, individually decorated by caring members of the community. The bags contained Lip-Ice, a facecloth, a magazine, hand cream, talcum powder, chocolate, soap, a notepad pen and pencil.
These were distributed by volunteers to Kensington Old Age Home, Kensington Seniors Club, Moravian Church seniors, Mamre community seniors, seniors from the townships, Jewish residents at Murambi Residential Home and many others.
Secondly, an anonymous donation was given to the UJW to enable us to buy blankets, which were distributed to St Michaels Primary School and Ilitha’s Creche.
Lastly, our Na’arot Group also collected toys, clothes and blankets, which went to various schools, homes for vulnerable children and creches.