Purim Sameach at Glendale

Sunday 16 March was a special day at Glendale. It was Purim, and this coincided with the monthly party for seven Glendale residents who have their birthdays in March.

As residents and their visitors filtered into the dining room for afternoon tea, one could feel the vibrant and festive atmosphere.

Soon all had congregated, sang โ€˜Happy Birthdayโ€™ to those celebrating, after which all enjoyed the eats provided. Every resident was given Mishloach Manot from Chabad, Claremont Wynberg Hebrew Congregation and Phyllis Jowell School, and our thanks and appreciation is extended to these organisations and their participants for facilitating this mitzvah.

The residents were then entertained by Ivor Jacobson on drums and Shuli Babus on piano. As is the tradition during our birthday parties, everyone had the opportunity to dance and sing. In this way we could celebrate Purim in true style!

The combination of visitors, cake and music ensures that the birthday celebrations are meaningful events. Our March celebration was no exception.

Our thanks go to Ivor and Shuli for giving up their time for the community, and for their continued support and regular visits to the Home.

The day ended with residents enjoying delicious Hamentaschen with supper.

By the time you read this article, Pesach will be a memory, and we will have continued our tradition of hosting the 2nd night Pesach seder.