Ort SA CAPE hosts successful annual fundraiser

Ort SA CAPE hosts successful annual fundraiser

Eric and Sheila Samson hosted the ORT SA CAPE annual fundraiser event at their beautiful farm, Klein Cabriere, in Franschhoek on Sunday 15 March.

Guests arrived to the beautiful sounds of Two Flutes and enjoyed delicious starters under the oak trees. After Dr Lydia Abel, Director of ORT SA CAPE, welcomed all to enjoy a wonderful day, Merle Rubin served a splendid lunch and guests enjoyed the humorous magic show performance by renowned magician Jacques le Seuer.

Berg Rivier Secondary School in Wellington is one of the beneficiaries of ORT SA CAPEโ€™s Constructive After School Programme for EnRichment (CASPER). This CASPER drama group performed a poem, โ€˜Dream Chaserโ€™ to the 200 adults and 100 children. They were well-rehearsed, confident and their message was well thought out and communicated. Their performance brought tears to the eyes of many guests.

Ariella Kuper conducted a successful auction in her inimitable style, raising funds for the ORT SA CAPE CASPER programme. The function ended on a sweet note while guests enjoyed dessert.

A special thank you to the Samson family for their generosity and to all our friends for their ongoing commitment to ORT SA CAPE.

ORT SA CAPE prides itself on development for social change; opening minds, getting children off the street into enriching learning experiences and balancing this with helping teachers engage with their challenges.

ORT SA CAPE is an accredited B-BBEE organisation (Level2) and you will receive a Section 18A Certificate for your donation. www.ortsacape.org.za.


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