The logo for Machaneh17 Na’aleh (8 – 27 December 2017)
August is always an incredibly exciting month for Habonim. With the launch of camp: Machaneh17 Na’aleh — We Will Rise, and our Mini Machaneh, there is so much going on in the Habo community.
Last month saw our biggest Shorashim in five years return home from their incredible three-week tour of Israel with Habo. The Givon shichvah (Grade 10s) experienced Israel from top to bottom. They got a chance to see all of the sights, interact with every type of Israeli, got to eat all of the delicious food, and even participated in the start-up marathon. All of the reports from the channichim have been incredible and all of us who couldn’t go are very jealous.
Our Machaneh this year is fast approaching and all preparations are full steam ahead. We chose the name Na’aleh (We Will Rise) for Machaneh17 as we felt that it best encapsulated Habonim Dror in 2017. This has certainly been a year that has seen the movement once again rise to new heights, growing in strength and in size. We are seeing that more and more Jewish youth are connecting to Habonim and our values, and that more youth than in the recent past are choosing to be a part of something bigger and meaningful outside of their everyday school lives. Every single programme we have run this year has seen higher enrolment and more engaged participation than we have experienced in a long time.
This is of course very encouraging to all of our madrichim. And it’s a very positive sign for our Jewish community. The fact that more Jewish youth are choosing to change the world, identify more strongly with their Judaism, and trying to connect more deeply with Israel, is something for us all to celebrate.
For information on Machaneh 17 Na’aleh, or any of our activities, please email Rosh Machaneh David Schwartz on or visit Facebook
Aleh Ve’Hagsem