Rudi Allmayer from the local Historical Society in Montague is collecting information on early Jewish families who lived in the town at the end of the 1800’s and the early 1900’s.
They have identified the family names of a number of the early Jewish residents and also built up a good network of people, both Jewish and non-Jewish, who have helped with information regarding the vibrant community of Jewish settlers who contributed to the growth of the town.
One of the members of the Historical Society recently found a collection of old photographs in the loft of a house which they believe was built and lived in by the Millin family. The Millins were among one of the early families to settle in Montagu and more than one generation stayed in the town.
They are now trying to identify the people in the photos and suspect that most of the photographs are of the Millin family. Their main challenge at this time is trying to identify what brothers Nathan and Barnett Millin looked like.
Any readers who can help with information about the Millins or have family roots traceable back to Montagu are asked to contact Rudi on 023 614 3388.
I am married to a Millin all coming from Oxfordshire and settled in Natal.
Can you tell me the relation and names of the ones in the photo?
I would much appreciate it.
Any readers who can help with information about the Millins or have family roots traceable back to Montagu are asked to contact Rudi on 023 614 3388. The CJC only placed the ad and has no information on the family.
I have found your name through Rabbi Sewartor I am the grandson of the late Aaron Idelson who owned the Montagu Country Hotel later the Montagu Baths hotel and the little sanctuary.
I can offer some information on my family in Montagu.I also understand that you have written a book and there is a section about the idelson family
Is there any chance you could send that to me.
Or I could buy the book if it is available ?
Saul Marine
Hi Rudi
You are in luck today. was researching my family tree and came across the photo of the Millin family from Montague Western Cape South Africa which you posted today.
They are quite an amazing family. Barnett Millin ‘s son was Justice Philip Millin and his wife Sarah Gertrude Millin (nee Liebson) was a very well known author
Hi my name is Allyson Small I have information on the Millin Family. I live in Sydney Australia
* Barnett Millin 1856 – 1928 was my 2nd great granduncle
* Nathan Millin 1866 – 1941 was my 2nd great granduncle
* Gertrude Getty Millin 1865 – 1933 was my 2nd great grandmother
* Annie Millin 1866 – 1941 was my 2nd great grandaunt
* Sarah Millin 1863 – 1941 was my 2nd great grandaunt
Their father Yehuda Millin from Naistadt Sugend Rosianski Ujesd Kovanske Goberna Russia was my 3rd Great grandfather
Gertrude Getty Millin 1865 – 1933 daughter
Milly Rosenberg was my great grandmother
Esther Malya Sender was my grandmother
Warren Barripp was my father
My tree on has a lot of information on the Millin family including records and photos. “Barripp/Goldroad/Nicinski/Harlem Family Tree”
Most of the information came from Wilfred Stein who lives in Jerusalem Israel and is also on ancestry “The Rolniks of Lithuania and their Descendants Family Tree”
I would love to assist. Once I have your email address I can email photos across etc
I would love to know who the other three men are in the photos
Could be Sarah’s husband Nehemiah Dov Ber Hoffman, Harry Nathan Miller (another brother ?)
Allyson Small
Hi Allyson, thank you! Please send an email to the Cape SA Jewish Board of Deputie’s Country Communities subcommittee on
They may certainly be able to put you in email contact with the team in Montague.
Good morning Allyson,
I am trying to ascertain the connection between Sarah Gertrude Millin and ND Hoffmann who is my current topic of research.
Any ideas?
Richard Newman
082 317 3102
Hi Allyson
My name is Jackie Muller from South Africa. I am Peter Millin’s (1925 – 2019) granddaughter. Barnet Millin was his grandfather and Albert (Bertie) Millin was his father. Albert Millin is Phillip Millin’s brother. There were two other brothers. It was so interesting to come across your information. I have just driven through Montagu but we are too short of time to stop at the museum.
Not sure if I’m a relation but my maiden name was Millin. I’m from London and my father’s name was Charles Albert Millin. He had 3 siblings and his father was called Abraham Millin.
I am Guillermo Garza Milling, from Monterrey, Mexico.
My Grandfather was Charles McManus Milling Tourton.