Cycle Tour Success for Maon and Ariel

Maon and Ariel Saxe

Maon Saxe recently completed his 30th Cape Town Cycle Tour riding tandem with his son Ariel who is 16. This was Arielโ€™s first tour. They did a respectable time of 3H 54Min.

โ€œI was two years younger than Ariel when I did the very first Argus Tour as it was called in 1978โ€ Maon recalls. โ€œWe had very limited road closures back then for the race, my father seconded me the entire route handing me water from his moving car!
โ€œCycling has always been my passion. Whenever I see old school mates or friends that live overseas, the first thing they ask me is, โ€˜Are you still cycling?โ€™โ€

โ€œBack in 1978 when I was part of the 446 starters I would never have imagined how this sport would grow to the 36000 riders that take part now,โ€ he says.

Maon rides regularly with the Schleppers, a fairly serious group of riders many of whom broke the sub-3-hours mark for this yearโ€™s event.


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