Exciting new leadership for ORT SA CAPE

Karen Kaimowitz and Bev Da Costa

Did you know that for every 100 children entering school in South Africa, 40 reach and write matric, 28 pass, four study further and one graduates with a degree in science or technology?

ORT SA CAPE works to ensure that even learners attending impoverished schools receive an excellent education, offering support in the key areas of technology, mathematics and literacy.
In August, Director of ORT SA CAPE Dr. Lydia Abel handed over the reins to Karen Kaimowitz and Bev Da Costa after eight years at the helm. Together Karen and Bev have over 30 years of experience in the education sector and the pair are excited to continue the good work done under Dr. Abelโ€™s directorship.

ORT SA CAPEโ€™s vision remains the same: a future where all teachers receive quality training and all children have access to quality education. This is achieved by working within disadvantaged communities in order to uplift, upskill and empower future generations. Their focus is on training and supporting teachers, wherever the need lies and exposing children to the exciting world of technology through the use of Robotics.


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