No Place for Hate in South Africa

Community member Liat Beinart makes her pledge at the Board of Deputies conference

The Board of Deputies Cape Council recently launched their No Place for Hate campaign.

On their website they explain that through No Place for Hate, they will fight hatred directed against anyone, to combat a culture of racism, antisemitism and prejudice in our country.
You can show your support for the campaign in either a personal or professional capacity. Itโ€™s totally free and you get to use the campaign logo to publicly show you are actively supporting No Place for Hate in South Africa.
Visit for everything you need to show your support.

Hate and prejudice taint our ideas, our actions, our lives and our world. A thoughtless comment creates big ripples.
No one should be made to feel bad about who they are. No one should judge another person simply because of their skin colour, culture, gender, religion or sexual orientation.
No one is born hating. To make a better country for our children, letโ€™s stand up, letโ€™s speak out against hatred to make a better Western Cape, and a better South Africa.
Imagine a world without hate. Really imagine it.
Be a part of creating a future world where we are connected, not divided.


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