I’m thankful for my friends and family
There is so much in my life for which I am grateful. Most importantly the people around me. Both my friends and my family. They are the people I can turn to when I need help or advice.
I can laugh with them and cry with them without any fear of judgement. I consider myself one of the most privileged people in the world because of those who I interact with on a daily basis. They play such a major role in my life and through that I’ve realised not to sweat the small stuff because of how wonderful the big picture of my life looks. I am always excited to see them every day at school and I don’t think I would be able to cope without them.
Pesach is a perfect time to connect with friends and family. Whilst you probably won’t find me in shul, I appreciate the time I can spend with my family at our annual Seder. Aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents all come together in one place and enjoy each other’s company and bond with each other. Nobody sticks together more than family.
However, my favourite part of Pesach is, of course, the days we get off school. Not only does this provide some time to relax, but it provides me with time to spend with my friends. When I am with them I appreciate my life so much more, it is a wonderful feeling to know that there are people who truly enjoy your company and who will always be there for you. Without all these people I would be truly lost in life and I am grateful for every second I spend with them.
Adam Selikowitz is in Grade 9 at Herzlia Middle School and member of the media portfolio.
Click here to read Rabbi Moshe Silberhaft’s Pesach article
Click here to read Adam Zartz’s Pesach article
Click here to read Rabbi Emma Gottlieb’s Pesach article
Click here to read Jamie Kawalsky’s Pesach article
Click here to read Joel Merris’ Pesach article
Click here to read Simon Apfel’s Pesach article
Click here to read Elan Lohmann’s Pesach article
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