Guided tours for adults at the CTHGC

Just one of the many groups that the Holocaust Centre hosted in the June/July holidays

For the first time since its inception, the CTHGC ran guided tours for adults during the school holidays.  

With no more than 15 people per group, participants were able to engage in a personal and intimate guided tour through our award winning exhibition.

People from all walks of life participated in the tours; many from outside of the Jewish community, with a genuine interest in developing and enhancing their knowledge of this history. Some of those within the Jewish community who had never been part of a guided tour through our exhibition, commented on how inspired and moved they were to hear individual stories of victims, of survivors and of rescuers. 

Because our guided tours have been so successful, the staff at the CTHGC has unanimously decided to make this a feature of our calendar and we look forward to meeting many more people through this forum. 

Here is some feedback from the participants:

โ€œA very well- and knowledgably-presented tour โ€“ a must see and do!โ€ 

โ€œThe world then and the world now still have voices who say no  to hate.โ€

โ€œI am glad that there is education about such topics and one can reflect and be able to hope.โ€

โ€œThank you so much for today.ย  It was BRILLIANT!โ€

To read the full PDF of the Cape Jewish Chronicle, clickย here
To read the editorโ€™s column for August, clickย here
To read our most popular story for July, clickย here


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