The CJC got together with Gina and Jodi from Mensch, to find out all about Mensch Mitzvah Day coming up on Sunday 17 November.
So, what is Mitzvah Day?
Mitzvah Day is a Jewish-led day of social action bringing together thousands of people from all over the world, on one day, to volunteer, making a difference in the local community. The day builds stronger, more integrated communities where people of all backgrounds and beliefs have a stake and pride in the place in which they live. Established in the UK in 2008, the event has reached over 40 000 volunteers across more than 30 countries, helping hundreds of beneficiaries in meaningful ways. Mensch works closely with Mitzvah Day UK to curate our very own Southern African day of giving!
How does it work?
Groups of volunteers such as schools, shuls, businesses, community organisations, friendship circles, sports teams, book clubs, dog lovers, eco-warriors, moms’ groups — you name it — identify a beneficiary they’d like to support and decide on an activity to do. They then sign up via our website www.mensch.org.za/mitzvahday2019 or email us jodi@mensch.org.za to start the process.
Volunteers then plan and run their own day. Mensch supports all projects with logistical and creative help, social media campaigns, international link-ups, and branded merchandise, to ensure a fun, impactful and well organised event.
What was the impact from Mensch Mitzvah Day in 2018?
Twenty-nine individual Mitzvah Day projects were run at various locations across Southern Africa, involving 840 volunteers and positively impacting 2500+ people.
What were some of the projects that happened last year?
The projects were so creative. We were beyond amazed at the effort and focus by both the Volunteer and Beneficiary Partners. Some examples include:
A Moms’ Pamper and Kids’ Party hosted by Chabad West Coast for refugee woman and their children from the H18 Foundation.
An Interfaith Soup Challenge run by Moishe House, The Hindu Society, and The Cape Town Interfaith initiative for The Christian Homeless shelter in Elsies River
A Refurbishment Painting Party where NGO Jedi Tedi paid it forward by painting The Homestead in Chapel Street
This year’s theme is ‘volunteering for people and planet’, what kind of projects could people do?
We are promoting ‘green projects’, more education initiatives, and ensuring that we reduce, re-use or recycle the resources used on Mitzvah Day itself. Think beach or park clean ups, food garden projects, ongoing recycling programmes etc.
What happens after Mitzvah Day?
Our aim is to build connections between people and organisations that might not otherwise meet, never mind work together. Ideally, meeting via Mensch Mitzvah Day will ignite sustainable relationships that extend throughout the year creating year round impact. Two great examples from 2018 are initiatives from two of our Jewish Day Schools:
Cape Town Torah High (CTTH) were introduced to Mavis’s Educare Centre in Mfuleni and continue to work with them on educational initiatives.
Herzlia Constantia together with UJW arranged a fun sports day for sixty kids from the Noluntu Food Kitchen in Khayelitsha. Herzlia continues to work with this beneficiary as part of their social outreach programme.
Where do projects take place?
Projects are run at various locations across South Africa. The location is the choice of the Volunteer Partner and Beneficiary Partner, and dependent on the type of activity.
Can businesses do a Mitzvah Day project as a team build?
Absolutely! Great idea! And better still, the Mitzvah Day project can align with the business’s CSI strategy and interests.
If I’m not available on Sunday 17 November, can I do another day?
Yes! We know it’s a busy time, and that Sundays don’t work for everyone. While we encourage projects to be run on this day, you can also do one on other days in November.
Brilliant! I want to volunteer — how do I get involved?
Ah, that’s easy, Just get in touch! Email jodi@mensch.org.za to find out more, or visit our website www.mensch.org.za/mitzvahday2019.
To download the November issue of the Chronicle, click here
To read the editor’s column for this month click here
To read the most read story in the October issue, click here