Bnei Akiva: Time to say goodbye

Powerful school visit at Herzlia Highlands Primary

Itโ€™s time to kick start the year and get into full swing! 

With our shichvah roshim finally announced, and our incredible executive team already working hard, we have strange, wacky and yet brilliant ideas ready to be implemented for the new year. We have already had an incredible welcome back shabbaton and a farewell for all our madrichim going on gap years this year. We would like to take this opportunity to wish the best of luck for their year in Israel, and may it be filled with growth, happiness, joy and good health!

By Hayden Norrie, Chairman, Bnei Akiva Cape Town

Visit the Bnei Akiva website

Visit the SA Zionist Federation Cape Council website for more information and news. 

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