From Stress to Success

Jason Sandler

In February this year, Jason Sandler, Capetonian counsellor, coach and hypnotherapist, published his first book, From Stress to Success: The A to Z of Stress Management.

The book, which is based on Jasonโ€™s own tried and tested stress management techniques, is about understanding the negative aspects of stress and learning how to control and manage them because, as Jason says, โ€œto eliminate stress from your life entirely is unrealistic. Something that might cause stress for you is irrelevant for someone else and vice versa.โ€

The idea for the book emerged out of the interactions between Jason and his clients during the corporate workshops and one-on-one sessions that he has been conducting over the last decade. Originally a chef, Jason changed career paths in 2001 after a bad car accident. โ€œI couldnโ€™t go back to working in kitchens because it was too physically demanding, so I thought about my other interestsโ€ฆ I became a qualified hypnotherapist and then I started to get interested in public speaking, and it all slowly evolved to where it is now.โ€

About ten months ago, he decided to compile his stress management techniques into a user-friendly book. He elaborates, โ€œIโ€™ve taken the alphabet, and each letter represents a different aspect of stress management. For example, โ€˜aโ€™ stands for โ€˜acknowledgement.โ€ You can read it cover to cover but each chapter, representing a different letter, can also be read as a stand-alone stress reduction technique. Jason has also included exercises for readers to complete.

From Stress to Success is currently available directly from Jason for R150. He hopes to introduce it into local book stores and onto Amazon. To acquire a copy, call Jason on 072 239 2760, email him at or visit

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