Pride Shabbat

On Friday 28 February, over 200 people gathered for the 8th annual Pride Shabbat, held at Temple Israel Green Point, for what some regular attendees have described as the most moving and impactful of these Shabbat services.

The erev Shabbat service was infused with meaningful readings by members of the LGBTIQA+ community all the way through both the service and just prior to the delicious brocha afterwards. Significant too, was a very moving acknowledgement of the names of activists and members of the broader queer community who had died, many under very tragic circumstances, in the year since last Pride. The highlight of the service was undoubtedly the dvar Torah, delivered by our honoured guest, Dr Anastacia Tomson, an author, medical doctor, and activist. Her dvar Torah can be read here and is an apt reminder as to why Pride is both relevant and necessary, for us in todayโ€™s world, to create a safe and inclusive space for the LGBTIQA+ community.

By Jacqui Benson

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