World WIZO turns 100 and WIZO SA was there to celebrate!

Twenty-four delegates from all over South Africa, including eight members from Cape Town, had the privilege of attending World WIZOโ€™s 100th anniversary EGM (Enlarged General Meeting) in Tel Aviv, in January.

As well as visiting the three daycare centres, five Neve WIZO houses of safety, Beit Halochem and other projects supported by WIZO SA, the delegation joined 1000 chaverot from around the world to celebrate WIZOโ€™s centenary at a spectacular gala opening featuring some of the best speakers and entertainers from around the globe. As World WIZO Honorary President Tova Ben Dov put it, โ€œBefore me I see an ocean of love, faces of tikkun olam. WIZO looks forward to many more years to come doing what matters most for the benefit of Israeli society.โ€

WIZO chair Tamar Lazarus presents Moonyeen Castle with her brooch and certificate signifying that, as outgoing President of WIZO, she is now an Honorary Member of World WIZO

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