A message of positivity from The Herzlia Foundation Trust

This year Herzlia celebrates 80 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE. The past few weeks of community cooperation remains testimony to this extraordinary milestone. As the jewel in the crown of the Cape Town Jewish community, Herzlia remains a constant beacon of light, a promise and hope for generations to come. The gift of a Jewish education is the right of every Jewish child within our community and The Herzlia Foundation Trust remains committed to ensuring that this will continue for generations to come.

As I reflect on the past few weeks, the COVID-19 pandemic has had an enormous and life changing impact on the health of our loved ones, the businesses we rely upon, the health of the global economy, and the way we live our daily lives. As we all continue to navigate through these unique and evolving challenges, what has been resoundingly clear is the unique community co-operation and coming together of our Cape Town Jewish community.

As a people, we have weathered many storms that have touched each of our own lives, has informed who we are today and has in some respects prepared us for the days ahead. This pandemic will no doubt become a chapter in the history books, that our children and grandchildren will share please G-d with their children and grandchildren. What remains constant and unwavering, is that as a community, as a people we remain #StrongerTogether.

We were at war with an invisible enemy that isolated us from one another, but we survived. We are still connected and we still have a future โ€“ and we look forward to another 80 years of Jewish education at the southern tip of Africa.

By Amanda Zar
The Herzlia Foundation Trust

Visit the Herzlia Foundation Trust website.

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