HDSA keeping busy

Since the beginning of South Africaโ€™s lockdown, Habo has adapted to running our usual activities online.

We are still busy with our weekly Bogrim meetings, engaging in chinnuchic debates and coming together for kef, such as a Habo quiz night.

We have also begun running activities and machaneh reunions for our channichim and theyโ€™re off to a great start! Weโ€™re really missing out not being able to see our channichim face-to-face right now but we will definitely be keeping them engaged in many different peulot (whether it be chinnuchic or simply kef) and having many more reunions throughout this lockdown period.

If you would like any information on our activities or would like to get your kids involved please contact roshkenct@habo.org.za and weโ€™d be happy to help!

Visit the Habomin Dror SA website www.habo.org.za
SA Zionist Federation Cape Council website www.sazfcape.co.za

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