#Elections2020: Defamatory Message Being Investigated

Cape SAJBD Election 2020

31 July 2020 | 10 Av 5780

To the Western Cape Jewish community,

On Wednesday 29 July, the Electoral Commission (EC) was made aware of a defamatory message directed at one of the public ballot nominees. The message was circulated to some members of the Western Cape Jewish community.

The EC is currently investigating the matter in terms of the Electoral Code. Smear campaigns against particular nominees are inconsistent with the code and could compromise the freeness and fairness of the Election.

We want to ensure our Elections are free and fair, so if you feel anything is untoward, please let us know by reporting any election irregularities to our Electoral Operations Officer, Stuart Diamond atย stuart@ctjc.co.zaย orย 082 387 7315.

The EC is bound by section 30(b)(iv) to protect the anonymity of a complainant where it is requested by such complainant.

Stuart Diamond
Executive Director

Cape SA Jewish Board of Deputies website: www.capesajbd.org, Instagram, and Facebook page.

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