Obituary Annette Milliner (27 April 1932 -15 July 2020)

Annette Miliner

By Janene Currie, Chairman, BZA WIZO Cape Town

The chairman, executive, members and staff of Bnoth Zion WIZO Cape Town, were saddened to learn of the passing of our beloved and highly respected past Chairman, Annette Milliner, in Israel.

Annette was a passionate Zionist from her early days in Saldanha Bay, while she lived in Cape Town, and in Israel after making Aliyah many years ago. Annette was Chairman of our organisation from 1977 to 1979, and received her Rebecca Sieff Award for 40 years of dedicated service to WIZO in 2008.

Whenever she visited Cape Town, Annette would be sure to attend BZA WIZO meetings. On these occasions, she would enthral and enthuse us with her passion, her feistiness and her wonderful inspiring stories of WIZOโ€™s work in Israel, effecting social change and positively influencing the very fabric of Israeli society.

Annette โ€˜livedโ€™ Israel. She โ€˜livedโ€™ WIZO, as well as the various community bodies on which she sat, with wholeheartedness and professionalism. Annette was a role model, and all who knew and loved her, learned what dedication, commitment and activism really meant. In 2017, she received an award from the Israeli Minister of Immigration and Absorption for outstanding volunteer activity spanning more than 60 years.

We wish Annetteโ€™s family long life and strength in their time of mourning and adjustment to their sad loss.

Sent with love, and sincere condolences.

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