Spring has sprung: Cape Jewish Seniors Association

Get moving with our weekly Ageless Grace exercise classes where members log on to Zoom to get fit and connect with each other.

Another month has gone by and even though each day and week seems to be so similar, I do feel now that Spring has sprung and there is a change on the horizon. 

Lockdown is now at level two and as long as we all remember to be vigilant and mindful, it is hoped that the plateau will continue and that in the very near future we will be able to venture out more often, visit one another and get back to a sense of normality with our daily living.

We recently held our regular CJSA Executive meeting on Zoom and the main topic of discussion was the way forward โ€” when and how to open, taking into consideration that we have to be extra careful, observing protocols at all time and ensuring that no one is compromised at all when they cross the threshold of any of our centres. Unless anything unforeseen happens we are planning to reopen our doors so that people can slowly start to meet up and integrate. Luckily, we are getting to the warmer months with more opportunity to be outdoors so hopefully we will be able to host some meetings in the Spring fresh air.

Zoom Activities
So much is happening every day โ€” there have been so many interesting Zooms on offer, that even though there have been stringent lockdown rules, it has been possible to still keep in touch with one another.ย 

The first week of the month is now a regular date with Cantor Ivor Joffe and his friends who have given us fabulous concerts which are so well attended, not only by our own members, but guests as far afield as Israel, England and Australia โ€” all happy to be part of an uplifting morning where they can hear music that is loved and at the same time see friends.

The survival and revival of Yiddish in the 21st Centuryย 
The #Yiddish Zoom event that took place on 23 August comprised a panel discussion moderated by The Hollywood Reporterโ€™s Scott Feinberg, followed by the world premiere of the documentary โ€˜Leah, Teddy & the Mandolin โ€” Cape Town celebrates Yiddish Songโ€™. This fundraiser for the CJSA was viewed internationally and focused attention on the COVID-19 Emergency Fund to meet the welfare needs of our community at this time. Scott Feinberg, in Los Angeles, interacted with panelists in Boston, New York, London and Melbourne and then, after the screening, did a Q+A with them as well as Heather Blumenthal and Philip Todres, the directors of the documentary.ย 

The feedback from all over the world was fantastic and this has resulted in โ€˜Leah, Teddy & the Mandolinโ€™ being available on demand from Webtickets If you have not seen the movie, or would like to see it again โ€” itโ€™s simply a click away. https://www.webticket.co.za/v2/Event.aspx?itemid=1502915734

Shabbat Meals
The weekly Shabbat meals have been thoroughly enjoyed by everyone who has ordered. Some of our volunteers have not missed a Friday since the beginning of April and we salute each one of you. Merle Rubin and Berkies have outdone themselves with the meals they have served and the special โ€˜Rosh Hashanah in a Boxโ€™ meal ensured that each recipient could have the feel of the special Rosh Hashanah Shabbat even if it was different to what one usually does at this special time of the year.

Le Chaim
Our main fundraiser for the year is the sale of our Shabbat wine which is always eagerly anticipated and enormously enjoyed at each Shabbat meal. This yearโ€™s batch has arrived and is available for purchase. We hope that everyone will support us. They do make a lovely gift for any occasion.

Charidy Fundraiser
For the first time ever the seven Welfare organisations banded together to do a Charidy Fundraiser. The build-up to the event has been fantastic with each organisation preparing their own Jeruselama dance which was put together professionally and distributed far and wide throughout the community as a teaser for the event.

Welfare AGM
This yearโ€™s AGM will be like none other as we will be hosting the Welfare AGM via Zoom on 23 October 2020. Please save the date so that you can view, from the safety of your homes, the incredible work that is being done in your community by the teams that look after our community.

On top of the activities, our professional team cope daily with many phone calls, regularly having phone counselling sessions with members who would normally visit the centre to chat to their social worker. Most members are called at least once a week, just for a check in or chat which we know is greatly appreciated by all. 

Hopefully, we will soon be able to produce our regular calendar of events as we once again open our doors to our centres and welcome you back with open arms. Until then be well, keep safe and sanitise.


Diana Sochen
Executive Director CJSA

Social and Personal

Anita Stoch โ€“ great grandson
Victor and Maxine Boyd โ€“ twin grandchildren

Welcome to new members
Pam Katz. Ronnie and Linda Levinson, Margaret Nachman and Ros Wacks

Noah Chait โ€“ wife 
Lisa Chait โ€“ mother
Pam and Dennis Hotz โ€“ sister
Polly Sachs โ€“ brother

Cape Jewish Seniors Association
Director: Diana Sochen, 021 434 9691, director@cjsa.org.za
Admin: Amanda, 021 434 9691, admin@cjsa.org.za
CJSA on Facebook

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