Familiar face now heads Klita communications

Danny Adeno Abebe

The Ministry of Aliyah and Integration welcomed Danny Adeno Abebe to its team as head of its Spokesperson, Communications, and Information Department.

Familiar to South Africans as erstwhile Habonim shaliach based in Johannesburg, Danny made Aliyah from Ethiopia at the age of nine. He was an IDF correspondent and then worked as a journalist for 15 years.

Danny said in a Facebook post announcing his appointment, โ€œI intend to use my role as a public, recognised figure to advance the national goals that the Ministry advances and Iโ€™m proud to be taking part in public service.โ€

Telfed CEO Dorron Kline welcomed Danny to the Klita team. โ€œWe merited to promote Aliyah together during his stint as the Habonim shaliach to South Africa. His positive shlichut experiences in South Africa stand him in good stead for the challenges he will face as spokesperson at the Ministry of Absorption. Telfed looks forward to continued cooperation with Danny to better South African klita (integration) in Israel,โ€ he said.

The Ministry of Aliyah and Integration provides government assistance to new Olim and Returning Residents.

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โ€ข Published in the print edition of the March/April Pesach 2021 issue. Download the March/April 2021 issue PDF here.

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