Celebrate with Bnoth Zion WIZO

Longest running Jewish communal organisation turns 120!
How it all beganโ€ฆ

In 1897, Herzlโ€™s clarion call to world Jewry to establish a homeland for the Jewish people was made at the 1st Zionist Conference in Basle.

Four years later, on 19 August 1901, Moses Zuckerman, a leading Cape Town Zionist, called for a meeting of Jewish women. Within a couple of months, the Bnoth Zion Association was established and 160 members had committed themselves to the Zionist cause.

These fearless and adventurous women faced trials and opposition but remain focused and dedicated to working towards the goal of a Jewish National homeland.

Since then Bnoth Zion has continued to work for Israel and also to empower generations of women through education, social opportunities and activities to work for their beneficiaries in Israel that assist women and children in need.

In 1932 Bnoth Zion became part of the SA National Body of Zionist women as a Federation of World WIZO and in 2004 Bnoth Zion incorporated the name WIZO to Bnoth Zion WIZO.

The women of Bnoth Zion have always risen to the challenges of the time and will continue to do so, following in the path taken some 120 years ago by a band of intrepid women.

โ€œI am delighted to extend a big mazel tov to all the ladies of Bnoth Zion, both past and present, as we all celebrate 120 years of this incredible organisation. What an accomplishment! May you go from strength to strength and continue to transform lives as you fulfil the WIZO mandate of doing what matters!โ€
Shelley Trope-Friedman, WIZO SA President

Supporting projects in Israel

NEVE WIZO Five townhouses in Herzlia provide a warm home and substitute family for children who have been removed from their homes by court order. Each home has its own set of house-parents, who provide the children with a healthy lifestyle, rehabilitative care and as normal a life as possible.

IRONI CARIERA A diagnostic treatment and rehabilitation centre in Tel Aviv for delinquent youth from dysfunctional homes. They are taught basic vocational skills in many fields and a team of professionals attend to their psychological and emotional needs.

THREE DAY-CARE CENTRES These centres provide day-care facilities for hundreds of mothers, new immigrants and children from problematic families as well as ordinary Israeli citizens. In their formative years, the children receive the education, enrichment and care they need. Some day-care facilities also have a special section which caters to the needs of autistic children.

BEIT HALOCHEM Caring and expertly-trained staff supervise innovative therapies which help severely-maimed veterans of Israelโ€™s many wars and victims of terrorist attacks, to rehabilitate them emotionally, psychologically and physically.
The centre also has outstanding sporting facilities with coaches who train paraplegic athletes in many different sports.

โ€œI wish BZA WIZO a hearty mazaltov on this momentous anniversary of 120 years. May WIZO continue to grow for evermore. WIZO has given me the best years of my life and I am so grateful to have grown with this amazing organisation. WIZO has been close to my heart to which I have proudly supported with love and tenacity for more than 72 years โ€“ a special and unique organisation and may it be blessed for many years to come.โ€
Ettie Buch z’l, our longest-standing member until her recent passing

Did you know? WIZO is recognized by the United Nations as a non-governmental organisation with consultative status on ECOSOC and UNICEF. WIZO sits on the commission for the Status of Women.

Did you know? In 1926 Bnoth Zion started the first Hebrew Nursery School in Cape Town and it was the forerunner of the Hebrew Nursery Schools Movement in South Africa.

โ€œBiz hundert un tsvantsigโ€
At 120 years, Bnoth Zion WIZO is the longest running Jewish communal organisation in Cape Town!
Become a Lifetime Member and ensure the legacy continues for 120 more. To celebrate our 120th anniversary, we are offering a special Lifetime Membership opportunity to our members, who would like to take up this prestigious option.
Lifetime memberships cost R5000. Payment can be made over two years. Contact the office for more details 021 464-6700 x 131 or bnothz@ctjc.co.za. EFT and other payment options are below.

โ€œWhat an honour it is to be Chairman of BZA WIZO Cape Town in this most auspicious year. 120 years of women banding together to support our critical projects in Israel, forming a sisterhood bond like no other. We certainly stand on the shoulders of these giants. To 120 more!โ€
Janene Currie, current Chairman of BZA WIZO

โ€ข Published in the print edition of the March/April Pesach 2021 issue. Download the March/April 2021 issue PDF here.

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