Stronger together

By Stuart Diamond, Executive Director, Cape SAJBD

The 2019 Springbok Rugby World Cup team played and united the country under the StrongerTogether hashtag. It was, as Siya Kolisi said, a campaign aimed at the power of each South African to make this country a more cohesive whole.

As I move into my final days as the Executive Director of the Cape SAJBD, I wonder how we can get our Jewish community to be inspired by #StrongerTogether.

We need to remember that we are indeed stronger together. I have often heard that in good times, Jews forget about unity and look for points of division. Let us not spend our time hoping for the times of crisis that draw us closer together. The truth is that the outside world sees us as Jews, as a collective. It should not take times of personal attack โ€” like BDS campaigns, antisemitism or COVID-19 โ€” for us to practice communal unity.

Cape Town is blessed to have a full bouquet of communal services throughout the sectors, led by the most inspirational and dedicated directors. However, it is you โ€” the members of the Cape Town community โ€” that make it truly special and unique and I believe each Jew can contribute and leave their unique stamp on this community, while still being a part of the whole.
I need to acknowledge the talent of leadership that exists in the professional communal arena and thank all my colleagues for their passion, dedication and sound advice during my time as Executive Director.

To the Cape Council โ€” just-past and current โ€” and their executives, thank you for allowing me to follow my passion and take you on a journey with me. A special thank you must go to my two chairpersons, Rael Kaimowitz and Tzvi Brivik. Both offered me experienced sounding boards, wisdom and the precious gifts of their time and I am a better leader because of their leadership.

To my professional team โ€” Gwynne, Jodi, Mathilde and Tyla โ€” thank you for your continued support and the professional manner in which you serve.

I would like to thank my daughters Ariella, Aerin and Ava for forgiving my absences so that I could fulfil this role to the fullest potential and my wife Lindy for being my teammate. Her support has enabled me to fulfil this demanding but rewarding post and have a full life to return to at the end of each day.

It has been my honour not only to work for the Cape SAJBD but to serve you โ€” our Jewish community โ€” so thank you. To be able to hear your unique stories first-hand as I immersed myself in my role has been life-changing. Cape Jewry is unique. You are each strands of thread that when woven together makes a beautiful tapestry. Remember, as we chart the next swathe of uncharted waters, that we are and will always be #StrongerTogether.

Cape SA Jewish Board of Deputies website:, Instagram, and Facebook page.

โ€ข Published in the print edition of the March/April Pesach 2021 issue. Download the March/April 2021 issue PDF here.

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