Fresh starts for the new year

As we begin the new year 5782, who would have thought that we would still be isolating, wearing masks and not being able to enjoy the company of friends in the way we usually celebrate the High Holy Days.

The CJSA have endeavoured to reach out to as many of our members as possible to ensure that each one feels held and special and our weekly programme reaches a large number of our members. We would hope that it would be possible to reach everyone, but know that technology does not work for all and many do not have access to WIFI which does make it more difficult to follow what we have on offer.

During August we sent out a survey to see whether the programmes we plan each week are still enjoyed. Many of you replied and a number of good suggestions were made and noted. We are currently adding a couple of new items which have been requested and obviously dropping those programmes which are no longer popular.

We have recorded each of our Thursday pop-in mornings as well as other Zoom sessions which are always available for those who were not able to be present at the time of the session. We have now started our own CJSA YouTube channel. You can find it by clicking here, or typing in Cape Jewish Seniors Association on the YouTube search bar. There is a huge variety of different, interesting presentations, a variety of concerts as well as the Steve Shermanโ€™s series of tech savvy classes which he holds each Monday and are available for you to review at your leisure.

We continue to serve our Shabbat Meals each Friday. Since inception of this project we have served 7318 meals thanks to Berkies and our incredible band of volunteers, who readily deliver and have often reported back that they are the only people our members see face-to-face when they hand over their delivery. There are still many people who do not venture out and welcome the meals each week. Even though most or our community are vaccinated, there is still a wariness about socialising and meeting up with family and friends.

We therefore decided to offer meals throughout the High Holy days so that our members can still feel that they are part of the annual celebratory month. Our Sea Point Centre was the packing station Erev Rosh Hashanah and the social workers and Emmanuel checked and packed each parcel before our volunteers arrived to pick up and deliver the beautifully cooked meals provided by Berkies. A special addition to the packs were the special honey cakes baked by the Batmitzvah class of the Torah Academy, organised by Rebbetzin Sara Wineberg, each with thoughtfully written messages attached to their gifts. Also included in the meal packs were individual Rosh Hashanah cards, beautifully drawn by the learners at Herzlia Weizmann โ€” such a lovely touch to add joy to our parcels. Many people who order and enjoy our meals do pay for their orders, but there are also a number of our members who cannot afford the weekly Shabbat or Yomtov meals and without the generosity of so many members of our community we would not be able to perform the mitzvah of giving a special meal to those who really need and so appreciate this gift.

To each and every one who has made a donation to the Merleโ€™s Meals project, a huge thank you for this wonderful gift. This initiative has certainly gone a long way to uplift the weeks of isolation that seem to continue indefinitely.

We really hope it wonโ€™t be long before we are able to open our doors again, but obviously do not want to take any chances. As soon as we feel that it is safe for all, we will be able to open up and return to pre-Covid normality.

During the year to come:

  • May you enjoy good health and happiness.
  • May peace reign over our country and throughout the world.
  • May you have a kiss from your beloved, a smile from a child, a warm, cozy home with the aroma of good food baking in the oven, companionship of good friends and helpful neighbours.
  • May you enjoy the fruits of your labours, celebrate birthdays and anniversaries.
  • May the sun shine on your face.
  • May you enjoy giving charity with a free hand.
  • May you have an umbrella whenever it rains.

May you also have:

  • Enough happiness to keep you sweet,
  • Enough trials to keep you strong,
  • Enough hope to keep you happy,
  • Enough failure to keep you humble,
  • Enough success to keep you eager,
  • Enough friends to give you comfort,
  • Enough wealth to meet your needs,
  • Enough enthusiasm to look forward,
  • Enough faith to banish depression,
  • Enough determination to make each day better than yesterday.

May the year ahead be one of good health for all, rekindling the friendships we have had to forgo, and being able to get back to โ€˜normalโ€™ โ€” whatever that might be.

Diana Sochen โ€“ Director CJSA

Social and Personal

We congratulate our members who have had joyous occasions during the last month.

Anita Stoch โ€“ Birth of a Great-Grandson in Australia and Great-Granddaughter in America

Barmitzvah/ Batmitzvah
June Hayman – Granddaughterโ€™s Batmitzvah
Rosemary Magid โ€“ Great-granddaughterโ€™s Batmitzvah
Irene and Jeff Moss โ€“ Grandsonโ€™s Barmitzvah

Bertha Jowell โ€“ Granddaughter
Gwynne Robins โ€“ Son

Special Birthday wishes
Bernie Goldschmidt โ€“ 80th birthday

Wishing you well
Anita Stoch who has been in hospital.

Our thoughts and condolences to family members of CJSA members who have recently passed away
Paula Glaser
Gloria Kaplan
Bess Kavalsky
Tessa Nates
Sheila Sofer

Condolences and wishes of strength to members who have recently lost family members:-
Carol Felder โ€“ Ex husband
Maureen Lurie โ€“ Grandson
Ivan Sofer โ€“ wife, Sheila

CJSA Kiddush wine

Available throughout the year for your Shabbat meals and more.
Contact our office: 021 434 9691 or email Amanda at to place your order.

Each bottle costs R80.00, and if you purchase three or more, we will deliver.

Cape Jewish Seniors Association
Director: Diana Sochen, 021 434 9691,
Admin: Amanda, 021 434 9691,
CJSA on Facebook


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