CTTH celebrates 10 years of educational excellence

Matric boys (Sasha Katz, Samuel Gawronsky, Eli Shnaps and Nissim Brett) learning chavrusa style in the Ponevez Shul

Ten years ago, Cape Town Torah High was founded around a dining room table with thirteen students (and their brave parents) ready to try something revolutionary in Cape Town: a dual-curriculum Torah High School also offering an international high school diploma. 

The school has since grown to accommodate close to seventy learners, and into a campus consisting of six properties in Gardens. It has become the first internationally-accredited Jewish High School in South Africa with alumni studying at top universities, yeshivot, and seminaries in South Africa, America, and Israel.ย 

This year, we celebrate our outstanding Matric results for the Class of 2022. 

Students graduating from CTTH leave with an internationally accredited high school diploma, which is evaluated by universities based on the number of credits completed, Grade Point Average (GPA), A Grades, Advanced Placement (AP) courses taken, together with the SAT score. With these factors in mind, the class of 2022 has raised the bar across the board. 

While completing a dual curricu-slum in Kodesh and General Studies, the class graduated with an average of 28.5 credits each, an average GPA of 3.8 out of 4, with the top GPA as high as 4.5. Eighty-six percent of the class made Honours Roll and the class achieved an average of four A aggregates per student (by our international standards that is over 93% each). Each matric student completed an average of three AP courses last year and the average score on the SAT was in the 89th percentile globally with three of our students scoring as high as the 94th percentile. 

These achievements empower our students not only to graduate with an internationally recognised high school diploma but with one that sets them up for success in any field that they choose to pursue. 

As we mark our tenth anniversary, we want to say to our incredible community that supported us and believed in our vision: Thank you! Lโ€™chaim to the next ten years and beyond, from strength to strength!

For more information about CTTH, visit our website at www.cttorahhigh.com

Cape Town Torah High www.cttorahhigh.org

โ€ข Published in the April 2023 Edition โ€“ย Click here to start reading.

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