Upcoming community events JUNE 2024

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Melton Midrasha Israel Course 27 May 3 and 9 June Email: lauren@snitcher.org
ORT Jet Cape Town Business Talk – Vision Accelerator 5 June 17h30 for 18h00 RSVP: https://qkt.io/cUKzmJ
Mensch The Mensch Academy: A Learning Curriculum for Social Change – Build Your Board Strategy 6 June 15h30 – 17h30 online Email: admin@mensch.org.za or visit https://qkt.io/BoardStrat
CJSA Rabbi Goldstein will give a talk and take members around Muizenberg Shul 10 June 10h30 Email: director@cjsa.org.za
Temple Israel Green Point Shavuot Tikkun Leil 11 June 18h00 – midnight Email: executive-director@templeisrael.co.za
ORT Jet Cape Town Entrepreneurial Training – Crafting a winning social media strategy! 11 June 09h00 RSVP: nicole@ortjetcapetown.org.za
ORT Jet Cape Town Business Network 19 June RSVP: nicole@ortjetcapetown.org.za
Temple Israel Wynberg Pride Shabbat 28 June 18h15 Email: executive-director@templeisrael.co.za
South African Jewish Museum Set in Stone – art exhibition Until 30 Junepage 12 and here

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