Exploring our Jewish Identity with Diller Teen Fellows

Cohort 5 graduates: Dylan Friedman, Gilad Sherman, Jonty Schkolne, Jake Videtzky, Julia Kaimowitz, Jesse Sher, Jade Rahmani, Jethro Klitzner (staff), Joseph Marcus (staff), Adam Julian, Mia Shaked, Daniel Marsden, Tziyona Cohen, Ariella Cohn, Rachel Rod, Shallya Samakosky, Rebecca Schwartz, Martine Kawalsky (staff), Allana Morris, Rachel Wohlman, Benjamin Zar, Eva Maraney (staff), Georgia Helfrich and Kaila Jaffee

Diller Teen Fellows from around Cape Town attended their first Shabbaton together as a Cohort. 

The shabbatonโ€™s educational narrative was โ€˜Jewish Identityโ€™ โ€“ exploring the components of our identities and engaging with relevant topics that help us to critically assess who we are as young Jewish leaders. The weekend proved to be incredibly meaningful for all 20 fellows. We look forward to the rest of the year developing and exploring new leadership skills.

By Martine Kawalsky, Programme Co-ordinator

Visit the SA Zionist Federation Cape Council website www.sazfcape.co.za for more information and news.

Visit the Diller Teen Fellows website www.dillerteenfellows.org


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