Zip Zap fun for Cape Town kids

Babes Creche in Dunoon during their visit on 12 February

Each year for the past four years the Kesher Group UJW Cape Town have arranged to take three township school projects to the Zip Zap Circus.

The Zip Zap Circus is a social circus that was founded in Cape Town in 1992, to inspire young people and help build a new culture of peaceful coexistence in South Africa. Zip Zap helps kids to โ€˜dare to dreamโ€™ and learn to make those dreams a reality.

Each time, the Kesher Group ensures that 50 children are transported from their schools by Golden Arrow buses. The Zip Zap trainers take them through various activities for two and half hours of trapeze, rolling, jumping, tight rope walking, aerial acrobats with scarves and ball work. Most of these children have never been out of their township, and they learn many new skills. After their activity the trainers give the children a little professional show which they really enjoy with their mouths wide open.

They also organise with Spur Group to give the children a burger, chips and a juice each after their fun activity time.

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