From Canada to Cape Town

A team of Jewish Canadians came to Cape Town to participate in the Cape Town Cycle Tour.

The group of 16 riders from Toronto consisted of eight Canadians and eight former South Africans: Niall Black, Steve Cohen, Dan Dzaldov, Alfred Emdon, Jocelyn Emdon, Mark Franklin, Jonny Goldman, Steve Kahane, Wendy Kahane, Barry Pokroy, Derek Segall, Stephen Sender, Geoff Steinberg, Steve Thistle, Eric Tordjman and Dave Walt.

Jonny said โ€œThe experience was unbelievable riding with 30 000 cyclists on open highways around the peninsula. Experiencing it with South African friends living in Toronto and my Canadian friends who were seeing Cape Town for the first time made it a very special experience. I truly believe itโ€™s the most beautiful cycle ride in the world. We all loved the ride and finished in good time thanks to great weather.โ€

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