Cape Town’s lockdown in images

ยฉ GingerWithaGoPro

The Cape Jewish Chronicle has two exceptional photojournalists chronicling the effect of the lockdown in Cape Town. Scroll through to see their work and read more about who they are and what they do. This gallery will be updated daily as they report back on what is happening in our city.

ยฉ GingerWithaGoPro
ยฉ GingerWithaGoPro
ยฉ GingerWithaGoPro
ยฉ GingerWithaGoPro
ยฉ GingerWithaGoPro
ยฉ GingerWithaGoPro
ยฉ GingerWithaGoPro
ยฉ GingerWithaGoPro
ยฉ GingerWithaGoPro
ยฉ GingerWithaGoPro
ยฉ GingerWithaGoPro
ยฉ Joshua Rubin
ยฉ Joshua Rubin
ยฉ Joshua Rubin
ยฉ GingerWithaGoPro
ยฉ GingerWithaGoPro
ยฉ GingerWithaGoPro
ยฉ GingerWithaGoPro
ยฉ Joshua Rubin
ยฉ GingerWithaGoPro
ยฉ GingerWithaGoPro
ยฉ GingerWithaGoPro
ยฉ GingerWithaGoPro
ยฉ GingerWithaGoPro
ยฉ GingerWithaGoPro
ยฉ GingerWithaGoPro
ยฉ GingerWithaGoPro

The day before lockdown

ยฉ Joshua Rubin
ยฉ Joshua Rubin
ยฉ Joshua Rubin
ยฉ Joshua Rubin

About the photographers

Chad Nathan is a part time adventurer and global wanderer with a passion for story telling. His passion began when he realised he could touch lives through the lens of his camera. He has used his degree in Finance and Intrepreneurship to help launch his business Wild Ginga, which has brought him all around the world. He has been able to immerse himself in many different cultures, helping to bring people together one frame at a time. Follow Chad on Instagram: @gingerwithagopro

Joshua Rubin is a documentary photographer based in Cape Town. He started taking photos when he was around 10-years-old and has been doing nothing else ever since. He chose to focus on documentary photography because he loves working with people and capturing images that tell a story. He tries to keep his work as raw as possible. “It’s not always about the beauty of an image. It’s what it represents that makes it beautiful” he says. Follow Joshua on Instagram: @Joshwideawake

To read or download the full May issue PDF of the Chronicle, click here

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