Mensch network organisations & individuals Coronavirus response

Mensch Network members Souper Troopers have raised over R120,000 and collaborated with more than 40 organisations to deliver food to the homeless and vulnerable township communities. Mensch Network members Cadena South Africa volunteers have been making and distributing non-surgical masks to densely populated high risk communities in Gauteng. Mensch and Ikhayalami have raised over R89,000 in donations to build 12 new shacks via Project Bayit.

Jewish South African Change-makers leapt into action ramping up their usual activities, pivoting to focus their efforts, and creating new collaborations to best respond to the urgent needs highlighted by the virus outbreak.

Below are just a few organisations, projects and people Mensch is proud to work with, support and promote during this unprecedented time. There are sure to be many others we have not mentioned here โ€“ Kol haโ€™kavod to you all!

Nashua Childrens Foundation
Afrika Tikkun
Cans with Purpose
H18 Foundation
Ikamva Labantu
Corona Care
Union of Jewish Women
Souper Toopers
Danielle Klaff
SA Harvest
and many, many more!

Afrika Tikkun
Jedi Tedi
Cadena SA
Cape Town Together
Dr Andrea Mendelsolhn
Gauteng Together
H18 Foundation
The Counselling Hub
and many, many more!

Cape Town Together
Gauteng Together
and many, many more!

The Mensch vision: Jewish South Africans co-creating positive social change for all #inittogether

To read or download the full May issue PDF of the Chronicle, click here

To keep up to date on COVID-19 related community news, click here

Portal to the Jewish Community: to see a list of all the Jewish organisations in Cape Town with links to their websites, click here

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