Jonny Steinberg offers insight over breakfast

On Thursday morning 12 March, the Cape SAJBD presented a talk by Jonny Steinberg, as breakfast was served at Cafรฉ Riteve in Gardens. A delicious hot and cold, sweet and savoury breakfast buffet was made available.

The talk was well attended by members of the community, astute business people and board members. The event was meant to lead up to the Jewish Literary Festival, which has since been postponed. Jonny shared with his audience insight into possible options for President Cyril Ramaphosa in his next few years leading the country. Steinberg praised some of President Ramaphosaโ€™s decisions as well as discussing shortcomings and opportunities.

By Mathilde Myburgh

Cape SAJBD director Stuart Diamond presents Jonny Steinberg with a book in recognition of the important conversation tabled

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