Adapting to the times

Wherever there is change and wherever there is uncertainty, there is opportunity. 

The world, even months into the Coronavirus pandemic, is still changing. Restaurants now have digital menus. Schools and universities are now online. People have set goals and have pursued those goals during lockdown. Everything is changing and there so much opportunity. With this, Bnei is changing too.

With our madrichim hard at work, we are planning and exploring dynamic ways of engaging with our chanichim as well as with the community. At the same time, we have the most amazing opportunity to work in tandem with the Joburg and Durban branches of Bnei.

With events for all ages, and shiurim and learning for channies and maddies, Bnei is still striving to push the boundaries and innovate during this time. As the Holocaust Survivor Viktor Frankl once said: โ€œWhen we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselvesโ€.

Bnei Akiva are using this situation we find ourselves in to change, adapt and innovate.

Kadima Bnei Akiva!
Hayden Norrie, CT Chairman

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