Getting to know the new Rabbi at Muizenberg Shul

Rabbi Ryan Newfield with his wife Andrea Rivka, daughter Haia and son Asher

Rabbi Ryan Newfield is the Rabbi tasked with revitalising the Muizenberg shul. The CJC found out a little bit more about what makes him tick.

How long have you been in Cape Town, and what were you doing before becoming the new Muizenberg Rabbi? 
We were here in November to see if we liked it, and arrived in Cape Town at the end of February just before lock-down. What a time to start! It was obviously not ideal, but we look forward to seeing people in person again as soon as possible. 

What are your plans for services during the High Holidays? 
We unfortunately will be closed for the high holidays but I have a 6-part High Holyday prep course open to the public. 

Does your shul have facilities for kids and do you run childrenโ€™s services? 
We plan on doing something for the kids when the shul opens. I would like at least once a month to have something special for kids, where the services and meals are geared towards families with kids. 

The actual premises has a side room built in honour of Bobba Rochel by the Kaplan family and we could host programmes there during services. 

I also would like to have an organic garden at some point as there is space. Helping both kids and adults connect to the earthโ€™s blessings. 

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us!
I have travelled in over 50 countries in the world. I am a qualified yoga instructor and surf waves way beyond my skill level. Sometimes I guess I have too much faith if there is such a thing!

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