What happened at the Board in December 2023

Muizenberg Shul

Muizenberg Shul centenary

The Cape Board attended the Muizenberg Shulโ€™s centenary celebration events which were held in December 2023. Muizenberg, the ‘Shtetl by the Sea’, holds great significance and nostalgia for many Cape Town, Johannesburg and expat Jewry who either lived, visited grandparents, or holidayed in Muizenberg. Executive Director, Daniel Bloch, attended the Friday night Shabbat dinner following the Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv Service. The dinner was attended by the Chief Rabbi of South Africa, Dr Warren Goldstein, and the distinguished guest, Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth, Sir Ephraim Mirvis (an ex-Capetonian himself). Josh Friedman, Programme and Development Manager, attended the Closing Ceremony of the Centenary and international reunion. This event comprised one of the largest international Muizenberg reunions in history. The official centenary video was screened with messages sent from expats from all over the world. Ex-Muizenbergers gave special presentations, and musical entertainment was provided by Ivor Joffe. You can read a full review of the centenary celebrations further on page 24 (and here).

Youth movements machanot visits

Executive Director, Daniel Bloch, took to the road to visit each of the Youth Movements โ€“ Habonim, Bnei Akiva, and Netzerโ€™s flagship end-of-year Machanot (camps). The camps accommodate young children and young adults from Grade 3 through to Grade 11 for a period of three weeks. They even have a special 2-3-day camp for the younger grades allowing them to acclimatise to life without mom and dad. Daniel was taken on tours of each of the sites by the leadership, shown the facilities and given an overview of what content is discussed and taught during their three weeks of camp. Each youth movement has their own set of unique principles and values, and parents and students alike can choose which camp best suits their requirements. 

What is clear is the importance of the Machanot. Itโ€™s a great place to make new friends, meet different people, share common interests and spend the holiday with other Jewish children and young adults. Daniel spoke with several of the campers to get their views on the respective camp sites. There was a common theme running throughout โ€“ togetherness, fun and no parents! Despite some hairy chicken on the menu, those attending Machaneh all seem to enjoy themselves immensely and cannot wait until the next December holidays. Each of the youth movements runs a variety of activities throughout the year and we encourage you to make contact with each organisation. Email SAJBD2@ctjc.co.za for more information. 

Cape SA Jewish Board of Deputies website: www.capesajbd.org, Instagram, and Facebook page.

โ€ข Published in the February 2024 issue โ€“ย Click here to start reading.

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