Upcoming community events May 2024

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Community OrganisationEventDateFor more info
UJW Movie Fundraiser5 May, 18h00โ€“
Cape SAJBD Yom Hashoah6 May, 12h00 – 14h00See page 8 and here
ORT Jet Cape Town Mentorship Programme Introduction Workshop6 May, 09h00 – 12h00RSVP: nicole@ortjetcapetown.org.za
SAZF Cape Council International Guest Speaker7 Mayโ€“
Cape Town Holocaust & Genocide CentrePublic lecture: Nazi concentration Camps in the South African Media April-November 1945 by CTHGC Archivist Dmitri Abrahams9 May, 18h00 RSVP: admin@holocaust.org.za
ORT Jet Cape Town Entrepreneurial Training: 6-part programme with Over the Rainbow Starts 9 May, 09h00 – 12h00 RSVP here
Mensch Mensch Academy training workshop: Build your Board Engagement Strategy 15 May, 16h00 – 18h00 RSVP: jodi@mensch.org.za
ORT Jet Cape Town Business Network with Jenna Benater 15 May, 18h00 – 19h30 RSVP: nicole@ortjetcapetown.org.za
Cape Town Holocaust & Genocide Centre Film screening: Four Winter followed by a Q&A session with the filmmaker 16 May, 18h00 RSVP: admin@holocaust.org.za
SA Jewish Museum Set in Stone exhibition16 May – 30 JuneSee page 24 and here
UJW Pesach Sheini 22 May, 18h00 RSVP: projects@ujwcape.co.za
ORT Jet Cape Town Entrepreneurial Training: Strategic Blueprint to Business Success with Ariella Kuper 22 May, 09h00 – 11h30 RSVP: nicole@ortjetcapetown.org.za
Entrepreneursโ€™ NetworkPanel conversation โ€“ The Future of Leadership: Innovating for Tomorrowโ€™s Challenges 22 May,16h00 – 18h00RSVP: nicole@ortjetcapetown.org.za
UJW 91st AGM 28 May, 10h00 RSVP: projects@ujwcape.co.za
United Herzlia Schools Annual General Meeting 2024 28 May, 18h30admin@herzlia.com

โ€ข Published in the May 2024 issue โ€“ย Click here to start reading.

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