2014 September

Welcome to the biggest-ever issue of the Cape Jewish Chronicle โ€“ our very special Rosh Hashanah 5775 edition.

It is thanks to all the participating communal organisations and generous advertisers that we can bring you such a bumper Yom Tov paper, and we hope you will enjoy reading it over the High Holidays.

In addition to beautiful adverts and community report-backs; we also feature a fascinating opinion piece (page 4); an article on interfaith activities (page 42) and interviews with an artist and a photographer (pages 39 and 58), along with many other interesting items.

Exciting events to look forward to this month are the Cape SA Jewish Board of Deputies Conference (page 17); the Bnoth Zion WIZO annual Yom Tov Spring Fair (page 26), the Gardens Shulโ€™s Friday Night Live (page 13) and much more.

We wish all our readers across the world a Shana Tovah uโ€™Metukah and well over the Fast; and may the year ahead bring blessings to all and peace to Israel.