Amazing adventures near and far

Ari Weiss

Our Glendale residents have certainly been keeping busy.

Last month, residents enjoyed a visit to the Aquila Game Reserve โ€” and they havenโ€™t been able to stop talking about it since. During the game drive they were lucky enough to spot plenty of animals, including zebras, hippos, springbok and even a whole pride of lions. Then, after all the excitement, it was time for a delicious lunch before heading back to Cape Town. All in all, it was an incredibly fun and educational day for everyone who was there and, based on all the requests to visit again, weโ€™ll have to plan another trip soon.

Another outing, a little closer to home, was a visit to the Polkadraai Strawberry Farm. The Glendale residents had an absolute blast picking their own strawberries โ€” and, after all their hard work, they spent almost as much time deciding how they were going to share the delicious fruits of their labour.

Going green is something that has been on the Glendale agenda for quite some time and weโ€™re delighted to announce that, with the help of our residents, weโ€™ll be officially starting our recycling project from next month.

Itโ€™s so wonderful to see how excited everyone is to get involved and start making a difference. And following the success of our veggie garden, this is the natural next step. If anyone would like to be involved or help out with our recycling project โ€” and other eco-friendly initiatives โ€” please do get in touch with us. We love welcoming new faces and assistance on these kinds of projects is always very appreciated.


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